Sexual Jealousy

Male Jealousy is Rooted in Ancient Fears There are many forms of male jealousy but just one lies at the heart of it all – sexual jealousy. It developed as a response to early human survival needs. Today, men continue experiencing jealousy because much like many...

Why Do Men Get Jealous

Why Do Men Get Jealous – In this article, I want to talk about 10 roots of jealousy that you may not have heard about. On the surface, jealousy sounds like a straightforward emotion. It’s a cocktail of many unpleasant feelings (sadness, anger, betrayal, regret,...

Trust in a Relationship

Why trust in a relationship is so vital to its success. For a lot of women, there is nothing worse than living with a jealous partner and in fact, one of the main principle in overcoming jealousy is to have trust in your relationship! A lot of men have trust issues in...